-Minister-Mystic-Autodidact-Martial artist-Irrat- DMs welcome, I may well answer May Clarke's Law smile on us all. #GodsBless #ThinkOnIt #RememberYourPower
This was one line I mentioned in an entire talk. If you heard the talk, you know what I mean. If you didn't, it's easy to misunderstand. Sorry, too long...
From tackling complex societal issues to exploring fascinating ancient discoveries, my goal is to inspire you to question, analyze, and expand your understanding of the world.
via his Twitter: "Any comments made by Terrence Parsons Jr are his & his alone. As you know if I have something to say I'm not afraid to say it. I love my team, my brothers on my team and the city of Dallas and I'm more committed than ever to bring a championship to the greatest fan base on earth."- - @ micahhparsons11
But afterwards I rewatched and they hit some very great points about the soul trap, soul harvesting etc. And Bro Sanchez in general has lots of great talks about many of the things we talk about here. Bro Sanchezis definitely one of us. ... He gives props to BrotherSanchez all the same Reply
Gratitude empowers you. When you're thankful for the blessings that you already have in your hands, you'll be able to SEE other blessings that are available to you, ready for the taking. #bosanchez...
The going theory is that the Messianic branch of the Chabad has this decades long thing about "expanding 770." They think that their dead (but actually alive) Rebbe wanted them to expand the building, but since they don't actually control the building (decades of litigation around its ownership) some of the more extreme Israeli members decided to take matters into their own hands and "expand ...
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